33% take-up and 2.7m euro business for Rin Grand Hotel

Ziarul Financiar 26.05.2008
Rin Grand Hotel in Bucharest, the largest hotel in Europe, posted 2.7 million-euro turnover in the first three months of the year, while take-up reached 33%. "Our average capacity during the three months stood at 1,000 rooms, which became available gradually. We now have 1,300 rooms opened out of the total 1,500," said Ionut Negoita, who together with his brother Robert Negoita invested 60 million euros in Rin Grand Hotel. At first, 650 rooms opened in November last year, and then the number of available rooms increased to 1,300. "Considering that January and February are quite slow, we are pleased with the results. We want to achieve a higher take-up, 37-40% this year," Negoita said.