BCR Leasing doubles business in Q1

Ziarul Financiar 25.04.2008
BCR Leasing, the second largest player on the leasing market, granted funding worth 156.2 million euros in the first quarter of this year, almost double against the same time in 2007. According to the company, the increase had to do with the launch of new services, as well as a new web portal for clients, where they can check the status of their leasing contracts. On the car segment, funding climbed 43%, to 44.1 million euros, which accounted for 28.3% of the total. This segment was down by around 10% compared with the first three months of last year. Funding granted for commercial vehicles by BCR Leasing saw an almost four-fold increase during this period, and reached 84.4 million euros, largely as a result of a promotional campaign conducted by the company. Thi s segment accounted for 54% of overall funding compared with 28% in the first quarter of 2007. Equipment leasing represented almost 13% of the funding granted, down from the 24.7% share it held in the first quarter of last year, while real estate leasing accounted for 5% of the funding granted.