UniCredit financing to top 600m euros

Ziarul Financiar 29.02.2008
UniCredit Leasing Corporation, the largest leasing company on the local market, will grant financing worth over 600 million euros this year, up at least 20% on 2007. "In 2008, we are certain to top the 600 million-euro mark, and expect to rapidly approach one billion euros in the coming years," said Septimiu Postelnicu, the company's general manager. UniCredit Leasing Corporation was formed after the merger of UniCredit Leasing and HVB Leasing, completed at the beginning of last year. In 2007, financing granted by the company exceeded 500 million euros, up 25% compared with the consolidated results registered by UniCredit and HVB Leasing in 2006. "Car leasing remains the segment with the most lucrative turnover, whilst equipment leasing and truck leasing also registered increases. As for real estate leasing, it proved less productive than we had expected, given that there is an abundance of such financing solutions offered by banks on the market," explained Postelnicu.