Rompetrol buys Crimbo's autogas business

Ziarul Financiar 29.10.2008

Rompetrol Gas, the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) trading division of the Rompetrol group, has taken over all autogas stations of Crimbo group, controlled by Cristi Borcea, executive president of football club Dinamo. Following this deal, Rompetrol Gas has tripled its number of auto LPG stations, adding 150 fuelling stations to the 70 existing ones. Recently, the head of Dinamo has also finalised the sale of Crimbo's gas cylinder division to Dutch group SHV. "In a first stage, Rompetrol Gas will rent out the 150 auto LPG trading stations over a five-month period, and then acquire the assets after the period expires. We will finalise investments worth over 20m dollars this year. In June, we also bought the majority stake in MoldInterGaz Moldova," says Toma Veron, general manager of Rompetrol Gas. Cristi Borcea could not be contacted for further details by the time this issue was ready for print.