Albalact does not expect any tempting offers for its sale now

Ziarul Financiar 05.11.2008

Raul Ciurtin (photo), chairman and a shareholder of dairy producer Albalact, owner of the Fulga and Zuzu brands, believes there can be no tempting offers to sell the company under the current market conditions, whilst the drop in capitalisation by over 110m euros from last year's level is not pushing him to delist the company, either. Whereas in 2006 Albalact's capitalisation stood at 23m euros, 4-5 times higher than the 2004 level, late last year Albalact had reached capitalisation of 150m euros. In just one year, stock market fluctuations brought Albalact's capitalisation back to a value close to the 2006 one, of around 30m euros. "(...) The company's capitalisation against today's stock value is way below the company's value," Ciurtin says, without specifying the real value of Albalact. Ciurtin maintains Albalact still has enough resources to develop and adjust its strategy to market realities. The best example in this regard is the recent acquisition of Suceava-based Raraul dairy producer. "Raraul's main product so far has been powdered milk, a product that won't be a priority for the future as we plan to turn Raraul into a cheese production facility propelling us among the top four producers on this market. In six months at the most, the Suceava plant should be completely integrated (...)," said Ciurtin.