Players in the auto industry: Market will be down 20% in May against April

Ziarul Financiar 25.05.2009
Vehicle sales will slide to around 13,000 units in May, down 20% against April and 55% against the similar period of last year, according to estimates of the leading players on the auto market. This would see the auto market resume a downward trend, after in February, March and April sales exceeded those in the previous months. "In May, results will be 20% below those recorded in April, but statistics may say otherwise because there are still cars being exported," said Alin Tapalaga, general manager of Porsche Inter Auto (PIA), the retail division of Porsche Holding, who expects the Romanian auto market to rebound in the second half of the year. According to market data, in March overall exports of cars available in stock amounted to around 3,000, a volume that has been preserved in April, as well.