Ioan Popa's path to an over 100m-euro business

Autor: Ioana David 25.10.2009

Ioan Popa, 52, founder and majority shareholder of Romania's largest poultry processor, Transavia, has never had partners and business advisors and says he has never made any compromises.
The ambition to be more than just another player on the market and the striving to constantly make a profit have been the trump cards he used in order to build a business he puts at 150 million euros.
A graduate of the zootechnical and veterinary medicine faculty in Cluj-Napoca, specialising in poultry rearing technology, Ioan Popa has been working in the zootechnical field for over 25 years now. Before setting up his own business, Popa worked for seven years in the poultry industry, filling various positions, from head of farm to general manager of the State-held Poultry Plants in Alba and Sfantu Gheorghe.
However, only one year after the revolution, he moved from employee to entrepreneur status, and set up Transavia.
"In January 1991 I decided to leave the state-held plant where I was manager and set out to build a private business. A few months later, on April 1st 1991, I took part in an auction and acquired a collective farm on the outskirts of the city of Alba Iulia," he recalls.
Ioan Popa started his Alba Iulia business, currently a group with over 1,300 employees and an over 100 million-euro turnover with his own savings and an over one million-ROL loan.
"In the early 90s, one million RON was an enormous sum, considering that back then the salary of a general manager was 8,560 ROL."
Over the past four years, the businessman has invested almost 50 million euros in building a slaughterhouse, boosting production capacities, acquiring Avicola Brasov and Cerealcom Alba Iulia, as well as in building a ready meals plant. These investments, especially the acquisition of Avicola Brasov, a deal put at four million euros, have enabled the businessman to leave his main competitors behind, and become market leader.