Citi Romania boss takes over Czech and Slovakian markets

Autor: Razvan Voican 04.03.2010

Shahmir Khaliq, 40, the chief executive of Citibank Romania, has been promoted by being put in charge of two more markets in the region, where the US financial group operates - the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
After four years in Bucharest, Khaliq is said to move to Prague, where he will supervise Citi's strategy for Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria, banking sources say. A new chief executive will be appointed for the Bucharest branch of Citibank Europe.
Khaliq first came at the helm of Citi operations in Romania in February 2006, after a period of frequent changes in the bank's management. In 2008, he persuaded the American group to develop an offer of banking products and services for individual clients, as well, not just for corporate entities. Citibank had positioned itself as a corporate business bank since its entry on the market in 1996. Despite the crisis, standard retail products and a Citi Gold package for above average income clients were launched in the autumn of 2009.