Change at the helm of Diverta: 29 year-old gets promoted to CEO

Autor: Mirabela Tiron 07.04.2010

The management of the Diverta bookstore chain, controlled by businessman Octavian Radu, has been taken over by Amalia Buliga, 29, former chief financial officer of the company, who had held this position for four years.

Buliga, a graduate of the Faculty of Banking and Finance in Iasi, replaces Emilia Canea, who had been at the helm of the company's operations since January last year and who decided to leave the RTC group after seven years.

"Emilia headed Diverta in a year of decline, by renegotiating all contracts and by cutting costs and personnel. Seeing as she comes from an entrepreneurial family, she decided to start her own business," said Octavian Radu, owner of the RTC group.

Last year, the Diverta chain, one of the leading book retailers on the Romanian market, alongside Carturesti and Humanitas bookstores, posted a 35 million-euro turnover, down 27% against 2008.

"Having taken over at the helm, my goal is to consolidate the company's current position and develop it. For 2010 my target to boost Diverta's turnover by over 15% against last year (...)," said Amalia Buliga, the new chief executive officer of Diverta.