Types of incomes required to take out bank loans

Autor: Ciprian Botea 06.05.2010

In order to encourage clients to take out loans, bankers have gradually returned to accepting the range of incomes that used to qualify for taking out a loan before the crisis, after almost a year and a half during which earnings from rent, dividends or royalties did not qualify. However, there are banks that only accept salaries and pensions when calculating the repayment capacity of the credit applicant.

For instance, BRD takes into account 100% of incomes from salaries, pensions, life-income agreements, royalties, and children's allowances, while 80-90% of dividend, per diem and rent-related incomes are considered. Deposit interest rates are 100% considered only for consumer loans.

On the other hand, Austrian-held Volksbank currently only accepts salaries and related incomes when evaluating a client's creditworthiness. "At present we accept net salary incomes, sole trader contracts, and pensions," specified bank representatives.