Cristescu brothers take Faur to Africa

Autor: Andrei Chirileasa 30.06.2010

Marius and Emil Cristescu brothers of Timisoara, two of the Romanian entrepreneurs struggling to breathe new life into the domestic industry, have taken Faur to African markets in search of orders and areas less hurt by the crisis. Faur Bucuresti (FAU), a producer of rolling stock and heavy equipment, controlled by Cristescu brothers, has boosted its turnover on African markets by around 30% in the past two years, according to the company's representatives. They say they have so far delivered to Egypt more than 50 locomotives for sugar cane transport and that they are in talks with the Transport Authority of Egypt's Alexandria city on the modernisation of the tram fleet. The company also supplies sugar extraction and refining equipment to Chad and Senegal, in partnership with a French firm. The company's representatives did not specify the volume of turnover Faur derives from African markets, though.