What reveals the first comparison between Burger King and McDonald’s on the domestic market

Autor: Cristina Stoian 02.08.2010

The first complete year of presence of Burger King fast-food restaurant chain, a domestic market franchise controlled by Atlantic Restaurant System, allows for a comparison with its global rival McDonald's, which arrived in Romania 15 years ago. Burger King had receipts worth 3m euros (12.7m RON) in 2009, meaning that each of the 6 outlets the company managed to open by late 2009 had average annual receipts of 500,000 euros, namely daily sales of 1,400 euros. By comparison, its direct rival, McDonald's, which reached 60 restaurants in 2009 and total turnover worth around 100m euros (419.1m RON) posted average daily sales of 4,600 euros in a single outlet, over three times more than Burger King. The difference can be accounted for by the fact that McDonald's has focused on large restaurants of the drive-thru type attracting more clients than those located in malls. This year, Burger King, which has opened another two units, announced it would change its expansion strategy, counting only on street front locations for independent restaurants and of the drive type.