How the crisis is mirrored in the loan portfolios of biggest banks

Autor: Liviu Chiru 09.09.2010

At market level loans rated as doubtful and loss accounted for 18% of the total loans halfway through the year, but for the banks with the biggest portfolios, the rise in the volume of overdue loans is less apparent.

Top ten banks by assets were affected differently by the rise in the number of customers who stopped repaying loan instalments, with the share of non-performing loans in the overall portfolio ranging widely, between 6% and 22%, according to data published by credit institutions in mid-year.
However, all portfolios depreciated, without exception.
Among the top ten banks by assets managed, the bank with the weakest portfolio quality was Volksbank, with a 21.6% proportion of non-performing loans, ever since the end of March. The Austrians did not publish data on the credit risk for the Romanian market in mid-year, but three months into the year they had 675 million euros' worth of non-performing loans, almost half the level of non-performing loans recorded in all other Central and Eastern European countries where the bank is present. Of the remaining top-ranking banks, only ING and state-held CEC Bank have yet to announce six-month results.
BCR, the largest bank on the Romanian market by assets, had non-performing loans accounting for 14.7% of its portfolio at the end of June, while Bancpost and UniCredit Ţiriac had a 12.9% and 10.9% non-performance rate respectively. The banks faring best were Alpha Bank, with a 5.7% proportion of non-performing loans, BRD, with 5.9%, and Banca Transilvania with nearly 6%.