Man who brought Kandia back into Meinl's hands says chocolate is more expensive here than in Belgium

Ziarul Financiar 02.11.2010

In early 2010, Kraft management brought to Romania a man with an over 40 years' experience in the chocolate industry to conduct 2010's only deal on the confectionery market: the sale of Kandia, one of the best-known domestic brands to Meinl. Michel Boon, who handled the deal, is the same man that 17 years ago launched Poiana in Romania and is perhaps among the few people who can tell how the market has developed since the Revolution.

Boon will stay in Romania until the yearend. He explains what will happen in the months left until his term ends. "For September-December period, I've set 11 goals, out of which 5 are more important: I need to find a successor, to generate the expected financial results, to make sure the management will stay with the company and find a new name for the company. I've already found it: Kandia Dulce. We had to add something considering the Kandia brand already belongs to a British company," Boon explains.
A major surprise for Boon is that in Romania chocolate is more expensive than on West-European markets.