Fifth edition of the ZF's most valuable companies in Romania yearbook out tomorrow

Autor: Sorin Pâslaru 16.11.2010

The fifth edition of the "Top 100 Most Valuable Companies in Romania" Yearbook put together by Ziarul Financiar in partnership with Capital Partners investment bank adviser, shows that Romanian business sector is on its way to recovery.

The value of companies is generally stagnating after the abrupt declines of 2009 and 2008, which shaved off half the value appraised in 2007. A shadow is cast by the fact that the overall value was influenced by the stock exchange rebound, with energy, industry, and export-oriented companies in particular seeing rises.
The overall value of the 100 companies remained around 56 billion euros in 2010, compared with 55.7 billion euros in 2009.
The appraisal was made based on financial data for 2009 in the case of non-listed companies, considering that companies' detailed balance sheet for 2009 can be obtained from public sources (The Trade Registry) only in the second half of this year. For listed companies (12 of them have made it into the top 100) the value is given by the market capitalisation as of September 30th, 2010.