Emil Boc: In the healthcare system, everybody felt free to steal

Ziarul Financiar 13.12.2010

Premier Emil Boc maintains Romania does not have an IT system in the field of healthcare, yet, because all those who managed the sector and handled the release of drugs preferred stealing public funds.

"We do not have it (the IT system in the healthcare sector i.e.), do you know why we don't? Because one could steal because of there was no such system in place," said the Government head during the "After 20 Years" show on ProTV.
Almost two years since he first climbed the steps of Victoria Palace (Government HQ) and became acquainted with the tough files of the economy, the premier knows that in the healthcare system, which besides the 4.7bn euros the National Health House collected this year received another 700m euros at August budgetary adjustment, there are irregularities. When it comes to who is guilty for this, the blame is collective.
When asked to name those who stole, the Premier pointed to "all those who took part in the healthcare system."
He assured the IT system in the healthcare system would be implemented by the end of this year, thus doing away with one source of public fund squandering.
During the above-quoted show, the premier said he was satisfied with what he had achieved during two years in office. The disaster has been avoided, says the Government head.