New Kandia boss seeks to expand market share beyond 20% and boost turnover

Autor: Roxana Petrescu 26.01.2011

Mihuţ Crăciun, the new head of Kandia chocolate producer, one of the best-known domestic brands, has two clear objectives at the start of his term: expanding the market share from the current 20% level and boosting turnover.
Crăciun in early 2011 came at the helm of Kandia Dulce, after a 20-year experience in multinationals such as Coca Cola, JTI or Red Bull. While in large corporations half of decisions come from the central office, in a family business such as Kandia managers have more freedom, and this is one of the factors that attracted Crăciun to the chocolate producer.

While he does not provide many details about 2011 targets, Crăciun says his priority is to boost market share and sales.
As for the trend of the market, whose value revolves around 250-300m euros, Crăciun says there will be no further declines this year, with chances for slight increases.
In line with the market, the company's turnover will also reach last year's level or even rise slightly.