Oasis has 80m-euro budget for shopping centres in Oradea and another five cities

Autor: Cristi Moga 30.01.2011

Businessmen Klaus Reisenauer and Kurt Wagner, shareholders of real estate developer Oasis Development, have an investment budget of around 80m euros for this year to build a mall in Oradea and another five small shopping centres in Alexandria, Adjud, Aiud, Sebeş and Satu Mare, with five of these projects having Kaufland among tenants.
Reisenauer and Wagner are two Sibiu residents who lived for 20 years in Germany (1982-2002), then returned to Romania to build stores for Kaufland and Plus, and in recent years have started also developing small shopping centres, with tenants such as Takko, Deichmann or C&A.
So far, three Prima Shops-branded projects have been completed in Reghin, Tecuci and Făgăraş, two Family Center projects in Giurgiu and Botoşani, an Obi store in Sibiu, part of a larger development, and another Family Center project is due to be finalised in Râmnicu-Vâlcea.
"(...) We've started talks with banks and we are upbeat. For new projects, banks still require self-funding of 40-50% of investments, since Romania is perceived as a high-risk country," Reisenauer says.