New education law sparks rush for certification among private schools

Autori: Adelina Mihai , Corina Pirva 10.02.2011

Private kindergartens and schools are likely to get at least 10m euros from the state as the new education law comes into effect, in line with ZF estimates based on the number of students attending these institutions.
In line with a stipulation of the new law, published yesterday in the Official Gazette, "the state secures basic funding for all pre-schoolers and all pupils attending the state and certified private primary, secondary, professional and high school segments of education," meaning that the over 500 private schools with a temporary licence will be trying, as quickly as possible, to get certification in order to get money from the state.
Education ministry representatives said, as early as during discussions on the new law, that the state spends 680 euros/annum for each secondary school pupil living in the city and 830 euros per annum for each pupil living in rural areas.
At present, private pre-school, primary and secondary school segments of education include over 17,400 pupils, meaning that, if funding per pupil is applied, against average expenditures of 600 euros/annum/pupil, over 10 million euros would go to private schools from the state budget.