Beginning of the year comes with good signs in industry

Ziarul Financiar 08.03.2011

The industry continued to go full speed ahead at the beginning of the year, after last year it had one of the biggest contributions to the slowing down of economic decline.

The latest statistical data for the industry, January data, came with good news, confirming the continued upward trend both in terms of turnover and in terms of new orders in the industrial sector.

The industry turnover went up 25.5% in January against the similar period of 2010, driven by the growth recorded by the manufacturing industry. New orders in the industrial sector both from domestic and from clients abroad rose by 41.1% in January against January of last year.

The figures announced for industrial output also indicate a continued upward trend.

The National Statistics Institute is set to announce data today on the progression of industrial output in January.

Industrial output, one of the major indicators in the economy, was a pleasant surprise, speeding up at the end of last year, after it had showed signs of tiredness in the preceding months. The continued growth of the industrial output year-on-year was largely driven by foreign demand. But the base effect also had an impact on the trend of industrial output, considering the declines recorded in 2009.