Tănase, ING: We'd like to buy further SIF stock, but the cap won't let us

Autor: Roxana Pricop 28.03.2011

ING Romanian Equity equity fund, with 311m lei assets and one of the biggest investors on the Bucharest stock exchange, believes in the growth potential the five financial investment companies have this year, but the stake cap does not allow it to increase its exposure to the desired level.

With net assets worth 311m lei (75m euros), ING Romanian Equity had investments worth around 186m lei (45m euros) on the Bucharest Stock Exchange in late February, in banks, energy companies and SIFs, as well as in FP shares, with the rest being allotted to the markets of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The fund registered an 18.45% yield in 2010.

The fund's investments in the shares of the five SIFs were totally worth almost 28m lei at the end of last year. Exposure to each SIF was close to the limit of 1% in the investment company's capital, equal to the holding threshold. In the second half of last year, through stock purchases, the fund increased its exposure to SIFs by 4.6m lei.