Gitenstein: Privatise energy through the Bourse if you want to attract investment

Autor: Andrei Chirileasa 31.03.2011

Romania should privatise its energy companies through the Bourse, using the Polish model, as this is the only way it can get necessary investments to modernise and boost the efficiency of the energy sector, stated the US ambassador Mark Gitenstein yesterday.

The US ambassador's speech, held on the opening of the Bourse trading session, included harsh statements about the way state-owned energy companies are managed, on the creation of the two national energy companies, as well as on Romgaz' donation to the state budget.

His speech largely resumes and reinforces the topics launched in recent months by the representatives of Franklin Templeton US group, the manager of Fondul Proprietatea, which is trying to persuade the Government to sell on the Bourse stakes in state-owned energy companies, in which FP is a minority shareholder.