European funds for human resources could be the first Europeanmoney to run out, considering that hundreds of companies and NGOshave signed contracts worth 80% more than the amount allocateduntil 2013. Beneficiaries of EU funds for human resources havesigned contracts worth 3.5 billion euros, with 4.25 billion eurosbeing allocated for the entire programme. At least several tens offirms, NGOs, state agencies and institutions, have announcedlaunches of projects in the past few days, which involved training,professional reconversion of the unemployed and combatingdiscrimination against women, financed with EU money.
"Unfortunately we started off on the wrong foot with thisprogramme, so 2010 was the year of the restart. There have been norepayments so far, because we have not had projects contracted,"said Anca Zevedei, head of AMPOSDRU, the management authority incharge of EU money for human resources. She estimates the fullamount of 4.25 billion euros will be contracted by mid thisyear.
Last year, over 400 million euros went into the accounts ofRomanians who received EU funding for HR, ten times more than in2009, with the money being used to pay tens of thousands ofsalaries of project managers, trainers, and employees involved insuch programmes, considering that the biggest costs of such aprogramme, between 50 and 60%, are salary costs.