ZF English

Farmexim: 187.5m-euro target

14.01.2008, 18:07 5

Drug distributor Farmexim, one of the leading players in its field, closed 2007 with a turnover worth 150 million euros, up 35% against last year. "Although, overall, our drug sales were hurt due to legislative uncertainties (i.e. the change in the price of drugs, which was scheduled for the autumn of last year, and then put off until this year), our growth rate was almost twice as high as the average market growth rate," said Ovidiu Buluc, general manager and majority shareholder of the company. For 2008, Farmexim aims to preserve its place among the top three drug distributors (private drugstores) in Romania and reach a 187.5 million-euro turnover, up 25% against 2007. The group by the same name includes, apart from the distributor, the Help Net drugstore chain and the cosmetics importer and distributor Green Net. Last year, the group posted an overall turnover worth 205 million euros, up around 5% against initial estimates.

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