ZF English

Hyundai: Car prices are abnormally low

Autor: Bogdan Alecu

13.02.2011, 23:40 11

Dragoş Măgdălina, chief executive of Hyundai Auto România, wasin May last year the first major executive to be "transferred" fromRomcar, the then Ford importer, to Hyundai Romania - importer ofthe last "volume" brand in the portfolio of Ţiriac Holdings.

Considering that in the first part of last year Ford was thebest-selling import brand, the role of Măgdălina's transfer toHyundai, an around 80 million-euro business, according to ZFcalculations, was to bring the Korean brand back among thetop-selling brands on the Romanian market. At present Hyundai rankseighth among the brands favoured by Romanian car buyers, after itssales fell nearly 60% last year.

Since the autumn of 2008, the nearly 70% decline of the carmarket led to discounts of up to 50%.

"Clients have gotten used to big discounts in the past fewyears, which led to abnormally low prices, but now servicesacquired along with the car will become increasingly important. Onecannot sell at a discount forever," said Dragoş Măgdălina.

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