Afaceri de la zero

Free beer in Club A

25.05.2000, 00:00 Autor: Claudiu Mirica

To catch the eye of an audience saturated with commercial music, most of the new comers on the stages of Romanian showbiz choose strange, odd names: "Omul cu sobolani" (Rat Man), "XXL si 10 Grei" (XXL and 10 Heavy ones) and "Doua usi" (Two Doors) are only a few examples.

Soon we will deal with a new band called "Bere Gratis" (Free Beer). They will launch their debut album today in Club A. The album is called "De Vanzare" (For Sale) and will be officially launched at 22.00 when the members of the band will greet their guests with their songs.

The band started out in 1998 when previous members of the Ghost band decided not to give up on music altogether. They did not know how they were going to call themselves; each member had a different idea. They had to make a quick decision and a friend told them that if they were called "Free Beer," people would surely come to their concerts. There were a few problems when the name of the band attracted on their first concert an army of thirsty youngsters with empty pockets. But in time, the audience learned that "Free Beer" stands for good music not for free booze. "Bere Gratis" held concerts in clubs and discotheques for students. They attended the "Beer Festival" (Bucharest September 1999) and "Revelion 2000" (show organised by the IasI City Hall). They played in the opening of framous bands: Pasarea Colibri, Iris, Sfinx Experience or Class.

On December 16, 1999, they appeared on the anniversary concert "Sarmalele Reci"- 6 years, on March 31 on a live concert in Ploiesti next to Iris, Compact, Semnal M and Mike & The Blue Spirits. One of their performances drew the attention of Activ FM and they were helped with their first studio recording.

Thus, the song "Fara rusine" (No Shame) appeared on the "Tu poti fi vedeta"(You can be a star) compilation. In the spring of '99, "Bere Gratis" started working on an album. Ovidiu Harmagean (ex-Genius) took them under his protective wing and took their songs to record houses. The album reached Nova Music, but it was rejected. A few months later, the songs were re-made and on the table at Nova Music again. This time they were received with enthusiasm. Today they are launching the album.

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