
Dracula Land: children of the world are already nagging their parents

16.07.2001, 00:00 28

The construction of the Dracula Land theme park near Sighisoara has stirred furore in the media world-wide, from Hong Kong to Florida.

It is perhaps the first project of Romanian tourism that catches the eye of both famous publications such as Financial Times and newspapers in remote areas such as Tallahassee Democratic from Tallahassee, a daily from a town in Florida.

Why is it that a mere amusement park has stirred so much interest worldwide? Perhaps people are looking for an alternative to Disneyland... or maybe the legend of the count, exploited again in Hollywood over the past few years (including a movie with a certain Romanian scent) is already part of the popular culture of mankind.

Few of the future clients, of course, know that Dracula is not even Romanian in nature. He was created by Irish novelist Bram Stoker, in his gothic novel under the same name, which places Dracula's roots somewhere in Transilvania.

However, every single foreigner arriving in Romania wants to visit the Castle in Bran, the alleged residence of the character. The Government has finally come to realise that instead of denying the connection between Dracula and Romania, it had better make some money off those looking for the thrill and prefab history coming from all parts of the world.

Subsequently, Romanian Tourism minister Dan Matei Agathon has recently announced the building of the park nearby Sighisoara. The foreign press was quick to respond to the news, while Dracula "experts" were quick to engage in disputes, as well.

"The Romanian authorities have a difficult mission, that is reconciling the legend of the vampire count with the image of the real Romanian hero, on which the legend is based (Vlad the Impaler)," foreign publications say.

Dracula's legend led to 250 movies being made, as well as to 1,000 novels and stories, thousands of articles in the press and to more than 4,000 Dracula clubs worldwide.

Dracula Land amusement park will be located five kilometres away from Sighisoara City and is to be built as part of a special national programme, which includes the rehabilitation of the Sighisoara walled city.

The entire project entails some 40 million euros in investments, 18 million of which will go to the amusement park and the rest to related investments made in accommodation structures, restaurants, infrastructure and installations.

The park will take up 60 hectares, with the works on Dracula Land possible to start this fall, but most likely next spring and take nine months to complete.

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