ZF English

Affichage targets No. 1 position

29.02.2008, 17:57 11

Affichage Romania, part of the Swiss outdoor advertising group Affichage Holding, is in talks to take over three companies in Multireklam's portfolio, the largest outdoor advertiser in Hungary. Affichage could become No. 1 on the outdoor advertising market, after it took over three companies held by Hungarian-based Multireklam - Efect Media, Communications Media and Outdoor Media, outranking the current leader, Euromedia Group, with turnover worth around 16 million euros in 2006. The transaction is underway, and could be completed shortly, sources from the market told ZF, with the deal being put at over 5 million euros. "Our goal for this year is to become No. 1 on the market, both in terms of presence and in terms of turnover," said Lucian Palaz, CEO of Affichage Romania (currently No. 2), but did not confirm the transaction.

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