ZF English

Arabesque set for rapid growth Bucharest and in Romania

20.08.2007, 19:20 46

Arabesque, Romania's biggest distributor of constructions and finishing materials, has opened an 18,000 square metre shopping centre in Baia Mare in the wake of investments worth several million euros. The shopping centre is located in a former unit modernised and now rented by Arabesque. This is the 13th shopping centre Arabesque has opened in Romania. The company owns warehousing space with a total area of 165,000 square metres and is specialised as a distributor of constructions and finishing materials to such clients as construction companies or architects. Only 5% of the company's customers are individuals. "The opening of the new shopping centre in Baia Mare is a further step in our investment and development policy. Moreover, we will open another large shopping centre in a few days, this time in Otopeni, near Bucharest," stated the company's representatives. Arabesque now has more than 3,200 employees and a transport fleet that consists of 650 trucks and over 700 passenger cars for its sales force.

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