ZF English

Argus focuses on investments

14.01.2003, 00:00 6

Argus Constanta, the second-leading player on the Romanian edible oil market will choose to direct its 2002 profit to investments, with only up to 30% of income set aside for dividends, Vasile Leu, Argus general manager told Ziarul Financiar. The edible oil producer has been recently listed on the RASDAQ market, where it has already become one of the star companies, due to its good financial situation and the prospects of substantial dividends. Argus posted $4.5 million net profit in the first half of 2001 (three times more than in the year-ago period). This performance would have led to nearly $4 in earnings per share at the end of the year. If 50% of the profit were allocated to dividends, as many brokers estimated, the investors would have gained $2 (67,400 ROL) per share. Estimates over the amount of dividends led to a quick increase in the Argus share price from 180,000 ROL to the current 270,000 ROL, soon after the listing in November 2002. ZF


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