ZF English

Banks adjust interest rates in small steps

28.02.2007, 18:30 7

SanPaolo IMI Bank announced at the beginning of this week that it had operated modifications to interest rates of clientse deposits in RON. The bank pays interests of 6% to 7% a year for the deposits by clients - individuals or legal entities, with the levels of interest being as much as 0.5% lower than previously, depending on their maturity. Finansbank also adjusted interest rates for deposits in RON halfway through this month, cutting them by up to 0.5%. The bank therefore pays out an interest of 7.5% to 8.25% a year. Larger players like Banca Transilvania or Bancpost also operated interest rate adjustments. Banks have so far hesitated to pass on to their clients the ample fluctuations of interests seen on the monetary market, where interests with a short maturity fell to almost 1% a year. Moreover, some banks preferred to promote savings products with attractive fixed interests, while lowering floating interests paid. However, interest adjustments occur frequently, making 8% interest rates for long maturities, which were widespread in winter, now becoming increasingly difficult to find.

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