ZF English

BCR Leasing forecasts 230m euros

16.12.2005, 20:06 15

In the first eleven months of the year, BCR Leasing logged contracts worth more than 220 million euros, 70% higher than the value of contracts sealed last year.

"We foresee contracts worth 230 million euros for the entire year," stated BCR Leasing chairman, Claudiu Stanescu. Under the circumstances, BCR Leasing is likely to surpass Porsche Leasing, the biggest leasing company on the domestic market in 2004. For 2005, Porsche Leasing management is estimating a volume of financing topping 210 million euros.

According to the company''s officials, the market share held by BCR Leasing increased from 8.1% in late 2004, to 11% in 2005, calculated based on an estimated value of 2 billion euros for the total respective market.

"This year''s growth has been driven on the one hand by the ascending trend seen by the leasing market, which is estimated to rise by 20% in 2005, and on the other hand by the expanded range of financial services, through the introduction of real estate and software leasing, the establishment of a specialised department to finance complex projects and the expansion of the territorial network," explained Stanescu. In the first 11 months, the total value of financed goods amounted to 185 million euros, 120% higher than in the same period last year.

This year, the company launched a real estate leasing product, employing a classical financial leasing system, or sale and lease back, focussing on the acquisition of industrial halls, production spaces, office buildings, commercial centres, hotels and guest houses. At the same time, the middle of the year saw the company make its first offer of financial services for Autodesk software products, targeting construction projects.

The establishment of specialised departments for the financing of complex projects on the equipment and real estate segments prompted an advance of these segments'' weight within the total portfolio, from 17% in 2004 to 20% in 2005. Moreover, the value of goods in this category that were financed in 2005 doubled, according to the company''s representatives. However, car financing continues to account for the largest share of the total financing volume, with cars standing at 59%, utility vehicles - 20%, and equipment and industrial machinery - 20%. Real estate leasing accounts for just slightly more than 1%, after the finalisation of the first contracts in this category.

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