ZF English

BSE and RASDAQ merge now, split next

30.06.2003, 00:00 4

The merger of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) and of RASDAQ will be followed by a split, meaning that some of the trading-related operations (such as depositing) will be outsourced. sleadendltThe independence of the entities providing such services to the Stock Exchange is, after all, one of the provisions in the European legislation in the field. The merger project, officially presented a month ago, stipulates integration of all the services related to securities trading - depositing included, under the same umbrella. One of the main advantages of this move is cutting trading costs. Still, even under the terms of the European legislation, the merger will be possible to conduct in line with the project initially presented. "The depositing of securities will be possible to entrust to specialised departments of the regulated markets for a specific period of transition, in order to cut costs," Gabriela Anghelache, National Securities Commission (CNVM) chairperson said. ZF


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