ZF English

Buzoianu brothers put off 35m-euro real estate project

18.12.2008, 18:07 16

Cluj-based businessmen Octavian and Calin Buzoianu, owners of the only five-star hotel in Cluj-Napoca, have put off until next year the start of construction works on the Resident Park real estate project, developed on the plot of Feleacul confectionery factory. "Like any real estate developer, we are affected by the financial crisis. We intended to develop this project simultaneously with the relocation of production facilities of the Feleacul plant to Sibiu, but at present the plant is only partially relocated," said Calin Buzoianu, one of the owners of five-star hotel Opera Plaza. The Resident Park project will have an overall built surface area of around 100,000 square metres, with the investment estimated at around 35 million euros. The residential segment will cover 39,000 square metres, the office segment - 9,000 square metres and the commercial space area - 12,000 square metres.

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