ZF English

Citroen to start rebranding campaign

09.02.2009, 17:26 13

After taking over import operations in July 2007 from Automotive Trading Services, a company set up by former Romanian Prime Minister Calin-Popescu, Citroen Romania will start a new rebranding campaign for the French brand's centres, which will see the brand repositioned to the near-premium segment, simultaneously with the launch of the new models in the DS range. The French manufacturer has an 18-partner network, with 24 showrooms and servicing centres respectively. According to ZF estimates, the cost of introducing the new identity into the entire network could amount to 3.6 million euros. "We will have to change the face of our network from China to Europe and to Brazil. We thought the concept through so it would be realistic in terms of its cost to the dealer. The cost of building a new showroom is the same as before. Renovation and the new brand features will cost old dealers around 150,000 euros," said Frederic Banzet, commercial manager of Citroen in Europe.

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