ZF English

Coats targets auto upholstery sector

27.02.2008, 18:29 14

Coats Romania, a company held by the UK-based group Coats, one of the largest manufacturers of industrial threads, with turnover worth over 34 million euros on the local market, will sign contracts with clients in the auto components sector, as clothing factories are no longer able to ensure the company's local business growth. "The clothing market, currently our main target, stands to suffer in the future. However, we will compensate our losses through other fields, which are only just making their way on the Romanian market, such as the auto sector, and sectors which are preserving the same export rates as last year, such as footwear and upholstery," Anamaria Grecu, general manager of Coats Romania told ZF. The company will therefore turn to other types of products such as thread for seat belts, airbags, car seats, as well as mattresses and footwear-products that will help to diminish production costs. Apart from Coats Romania, which posted turnover worth around 7.27 million euros in 2007, the British group also holds Coats Odorhei, which last year reported turnover worth 27 million euros, a level comparable the one achieved in 2006.

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