ZF English

Commercial vehicle sales register below average increase

27.11.2007, 19:23 10

Sales of commercial vehicles with a mass of up to 3.5 tonnes reached 26,823 units in the first ten months of the year, according to statistics from the Automotive Manufacturers and Importers Association, up around 10% against almost 24,600 units registered in the same period last year. The biggest contribution to the market increase came from imported brands. The Romanian car market saw an average 23% increase in the first 10 months of the year and reached a volume of almost 300,000 units. The Mioveni-based manufacturer sold 5,921 Logan VAN utility vehicles on the Romanian market in the January-October period, down 40% against the 9,952 Dacia Pick-up vehicles sold during the same period last year. The top ranking imported brand on the market of utility vehicles is Fiat, which sold over 4,100 vehicles, up 74% in terms of volume. Representatives of Autoitalia, importer of the Fiat Professional brand on the Romanian market, announced that sales on this segment would reach 5,500 units this year, with the 2008 target standing at a 20% rise in terms of volume. Franco Miniero, CEO of Fiat Professional, estimates the market of light commercial vehicles will reach around 40,000 units by 2010. During the period leading up to this time, the Italian manufacturer is expected to reach a 25% market share, and a volume of around 10,000 units.

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