ZF English

Dafora Medias takes out loan

22.03.2006, 00:00 11

Dafora Medias, a company involved in oil drilling and in construction, plans on contracting an investment credit worth 6 million euros in order to acquire a drilling installation, according to company representatives. Dafora shareholders are to discuss both contracting the loan, as well as extending a line of credit to one million euros during the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held mid next month. Dafora shareholders will also discuss extending the validity of a 400,000-euro line of credit by one year. Dafora representatives could not be contacted for further comments by the time the story was ready for print. Dafora works in the sector of drilling services for the oil and gas industry, having companies such as Romgaz or Wintershall as its clients. The company was a branch of the National Gas Company Medias until 1995, and became a private company in 1998. In the first half of last year, the company saw a turnover of some 15.8 million euros and a net profit of some 0.6 million euros, according to the latest available financial data. In 2004, the company won the contract for the construction of new headquarters in Medias for the natural gas producer Romgaz Medias. The value of the contract for the construction of the Romgaz headquarters stands at some 8.6 million euros. ZF

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