ZF English

DaimlerChrysler: 50% growth after 10 months

26.10.2007, 18:22 10

Sales of DaimlerChrysler Automotive Romania, which represents the Daimler and Chrysler-held brands on the Romanian market, expects to overshoot the 2,500-unit mark at the end of October, and reach 2,659 units, up 50.7% on last year, according to company representatives. C-Klasse remained the best-selling Mercedes Benz model in the first nine months of the year, while the third generation model, which was launched at the beginning of this year, sold 494 units, with 44 sold in September. The sales increase for the C-Klasse model stood at over 51% from January to August, while the overall increase for Mercedes-Benz cars stood at 48.3% during the same period- a similar rate to the premium market in Romania, but below Audi, which saw a 60% sales increase. Ten months into the year, Mercedes-Benz's growth rate is expected to slow down to 42.75%, primarily due to the 1.82% growth rate registered in October, against the same time last year.

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