ZF English

Delaco: 6m euros from partnership with Zott

27.09.2007, 18:51 30

Delaco Brasov, the third largest pressed cheese producer on the Romanian market, estimates to double its turnover this year, to 40 million euros, with a large contribution of this growth coming from the partnership signed this year with the German group Zott, the producer of the yoghurt brand Jogobella. Delaco this year became Romania's sole distributor for the German producer Zott. "Approximately 15% of the company's turnover will come from the distribution of Zott products," said Emese Mazilu, marketing manager of Delaco. Therefore, sales of Zott products on the Romanian market could amount to 6 million euros this year. Although initially the company specialised in the production of fresh dairy products, which started in 2000, Delaco now focuses on the distribution of cheese varieties imported from Germany, Austria, France, Holland, as well as Romania. The producer is present on the Romanian market both with its own brand products and with the Gouda, Del and Zott brands, with both cheese varieties and deserts.

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