ZF English

Distrigaz Sud helps Gaz de France International double its profit

14.09.2006, 20:02 13

Distrigaz Sud (Distrigaz South), Romania's biggest natural gas distributor in terms of turnover, helped double the EBITDA of Gaz de France International, a division of the French group that handles operations outside of France. "The EBITDA on the international supply and distribution segment reached a value of 355 million euros, a result which generated a 115% increase against the 165 million euros posted in the first half of last year. This trend is attributed mainly to the integration of the company's operations in Romania and Belgium, as well as to the positive trend of the margins in the whole business," commented Gaz de France representatives. Neither Gaz de France, nor Distrigaz Sud officials wished to elaborate on the results posted by Distrigaz Sud in the first half. The French took over the Distrigaz Sud gas distributor in October 2005. Distrigaz Sud saw net losses worth 1.4 million RON (0.38 million euros) at the end of last year, against the net profit worth 6.2 million RON (1.52 million euros) reported for the 2004 financial year.

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