ZF English

Distrigaz Sud personnel may be halved

31.08.2004, 00:00 9

The number of employees at Distrigaz Sud, the largest gas distribution company on the Romanian market, is likely to be halved over the next 7-10 years in the wake of privatisation. This will include the outsourcing of certain activities. At the same time, the wages of the remaining employees will be raised, according to the Mediafax news agency. Such a decision has not yet been made, but has been brought under discussion by representatives of the French company Gaz de France and by members of trade unions working within the gas distribution company. Gaz de France has been selected to enter talks for the take-over of 51% in Distrigaz Sud, with the transaction due to be approved this autumn. In the case of Distrigaz Nord, the German firm Ruhrgas has been chosen. The chairman of the Gas Trade Unions Federation, Eugen Luha, stated that trade unions within the gas distribution sector had participated in three meetings with the French party, though discussions had not had a formal character. ZF


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