ZF English

Durable goods slow down to 2.5bn in 2008

19.02.2009, 17:17 9

Sales of durable goods fell 6% towards the end of last year, to 742 million euros, following the decline in purchases of electronics and home appliances, as well as of photo equipment and mobile phones, according to the GfK Temax Romania study, conducted by market research company GfK. For the full 2008, durable goods sales amounted to 2.47 billion euros, 11.5% more than in the previous year. Products included in the study are electronics (traditional TV sets, plasmas and LCD TVs), photo equipment, home appliances (washing machines, refrigerators, cookers, as well as toasters and coffee machines), IT equipment, telecommunications equipment, consumables and office supplies. After three quarters of growth, which peaked at 30% midway through the year, durable goods retail saw a decline in the last three months of 2008, a time when specialised retailers used to record spectacular sales rises. The reduction came amid the lending squeeze and amid a decline in consumer appetite for such goods, in the context of the worsening international financial crisis.

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