ZF English

Egnatia Leasing: 110m-euro funding in 9 months

25.10.2007, 19:05 10

Egnatia Leasing, a member of the Greek group Marfin-Egnatia, granted funding worth 109.8 million euros in the first nine months of the year, up 148% on the same time last year. The value of contracts closed in the January-September period stands at 135 million euros, up 145% on the first nine months of 2006. Car funding accounts for 33% of the company's portfolio (down slightly from 2006, when it accounted for 38%). Funding for lorries accounted for 28% (26% last year), equipment for 23% (13% in 2006), with the remainder accounted for by other types of funding. "At the beginning of this year, we witnessed a boom in equipment acquisitions, especially construction equipment. During the summer, things were rather calm, but now the demand has started to rise again. October also saw an increase in the demand for funding in the real estate field, particularly on the residential segment," Haralambie Stanciu, general manager of Egnatia Leasing, told ZF.

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