ZF English

Enel: 470 million-euro turnover

30.03.2007, 19:47 6

Italian utilities group Enel, whose portfolio includes electricity distribution and supply companies Electrica Banat and Electrica Dobrogea, posted a total turnover worth 470 million euros last year, a value similar to that seen at the end of 2005, stated Fulvio Conti, Enel's CEO. "The total profit of the two companies, Electrica Banat and Electrica Dobrogea, totals 20 million euros," stated Luigi Ferraris, financial manager of the Enel group. 2006 was the first full year when the financial results of the two companies were recorded together. In 2005, only eight months of results were included in the financial reports, as Enel became owner of the majority stakes of Electrica Banat and Electrica Dobrogea in April 2005. Enel's international division, the third largest utility group in Europe, posted an EBITDA worth 918 million euros, up 89.3% against 2005. Through Electrica Banat and Electrica Dobrogea, last year Enel distributed 7.3 TWh of electrical power domestically.

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