ZF English

Enel, E.ON & CEZ are out of the supplier race for Petrom

27.02.2008, 18:29 5

Energy giants Enel (Italy), E.ON (Germany) and CEZ (the Czech Republic) have lost the race for the approximately 112 million-euro contract to supply energy for the exploration and production division of Petrom, the largest company on the local market. According to market sources, the only ones left in the race are Electrica, the largest state-owned supplier and distributor of energy on the local market, and Petprod, the second largest privately-owned energy trader on the market, after Energy Holding, Petrom's former supplier. Petprod, a company with turnover estimated at around 90 million euros last year, is controlled by Israeli-based Gruparea Dinamica, with unknown shareholders. Petprod's best-known contract is the one signed with the four plants of the Indian group Mittal on the local market (in Hunedoara, Iasi, Roman and Galati) around three years ago. In 2005, Petprod's turnover amounted to 41 million euros, while a year later, it stood at 87.5 million euros, after a series of new clients entered its portfolio. Petrom sources confirmed that the two companies were the only ones left in the race, out of the five made public, but specified there was one more candidate that could win the supply contract with Petrom, without giving a name.

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