ZF English

Eurial: real estate, more profitable than car sales

01.02.2008, 20:41 17

Businessman Gheorghe Dolofan, who controls the main dealer and importer of the Peugeot brand (a cumulated business worth 350 million euros), says the land he owns in the centre of Bucharest, initially acquired for new dealerships, has increased in price to the degree that it would be less profitable to open new dealerships. "I own several plots that I purchased four-five years ago with the original intention of setting up more dealerships. In the meantime, the value of the land has shot up so much that it is would no longer be profitable to open a dealership. A better option would be to find another location on which to build. At present, you need 15-20 million euros to set up a dealership," said Gheorghe Dolofan majority shareholder and general manager of Trust Motors (Peugeot importer), and Eurial Invest (the brand's main dealer). In 2007, Trust Motors' turnover stood at around 240 million euros, while Eurial Invest posted turnover worth 120-125 million euros.

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