ZF English

Founder of Dasimpex starts online television business

19.04.2007, 18:49 9

Founders of retail group GSM Dasimpex, sold last year to Spanish investment fund GED Capital, have started a new business, the online television Evo TV. Sorin Stoica told ZF he has so far invested 90,000 euros in online TV production equipment, and also in acquiring the necessary hardware. "Our investment plan covers all our future development, which could push the sum much higher in the future," specified Stoica, without adding further details. Monthly costs for online broadcasting currently exceed 10,000 euros, to which production costs have to be added. In the first stage, revenues will be derived exclusively from advertising. "We want large brands to advertise on our online TV channel," specified Stoica, adding that the price of broadcasting a video ad to 1,000 viewers may vary from 100 to 500 euros. In the future, it will be possible to download video content from Evo TV to mobile phones from the online stores of Romanian operators. (...)," Stoica added.

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