ZF English

Fourmont, Dacia: We will make a decision on production in late February

11.02.2009, 16:59 5

Francois Fourmont, general manager of Dacia car manufacturing plant in Mioveni, said on Tuesday, after meeting with Prime Minister Emil Boc, that a decision would be made at the end of February as to whether production would continue or not, depending on how orders and the government-backed vehicle renewal programme fare. "For the time being we are examining orders coming in, so we can devise a manufacturing plan and, at the end of February, we will decide on whether there will be a further suspension of activity. I hope the bonus granted under the vehicle renewal programme will help us continue our operations. As for my statement on redundancies, I was referring to the fact that we are trying to manage the situation by sending employees on technical unemployment for a limited period, and we are waiting for a market rebound to occur in spring. We can now see an improvement in activity in Germany and we hope it will happen in Romania, as well," Francois Fourmont said. Mediafax


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