ZF English

Germans at Max Bogl invest in turnkey houses

27.02.2007, 19:31 5

Max Bogl, one of the biggest German constructors, intends to invest some 10 million euros in Bucharest, in a production capacity of standardised prefab houses, to be delivered using the turnkey approach. "The residential market in Romania is under continuous development and we are studying the market to start an approximately 10-million euro investment in building a production facility for prefab-made family houses, which will be delivered turnkey in two or three months," Mattias Kirr, technical manager of Max Bogles local division told ZF. The houses could have a surface area of 150 to 200 square metres and will be aimed at both medium and high-income buyers. The concept of a standardised house entails assembling prefabricated walls in about 2 or 3 days on a foundation - that is later built, with the completion expected in about two months. "This system was successful in Germany and we want to implement it in Romania, in around two years," says Romeo Botocan, executive manager of Max Bogles operations in Romania.

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